Was Blowzee on Shark Tank? – Blowzee Review

Ever thought about blowing out birthday candles without the spit? This idea led to Blowzee’s creation. It soared to fame on ABC’s Shark Tank. The brains behind it, Mark Apelt and Mark Lareau, showcased their innovative product in episode 1314. They aimed to solve a common party problem.

A pre-COVID-19 party mishap sparked the idea for Blowzee. It spotlighted the gross way we blow out candles. With the COVID-19 crisis, the world saw how crucial hygiene is. Here, we explore their Shark Tank pitch, Blowzee’s special features, and the journey after the show.

Key Takeaways

  • Blowzee was presented on Shark Tank in episode 1314 by creators Mark Apelt and Mark Lareau.
  • The product was conceptualized at a pre-COVID-19 kid’s birthday party.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic increased awareness of the product’s relevance and necessity.
  • Blowzee offers a spit-free way to blow out birthday candles, enhancing hygiene.
  • This section covers the Shark Tank pitch, product features, and post-show journey.

The Blowzee Invention: A Spit-Free Way to Blow Out Candles

The Blowzee idea began with finding a spit-free way to blow out birthday candles. This idea quickly became an important innovation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It started from noticing how normal it was for spit to land on the cake at parties.

The Birth of an Idea

Mark Apelt and Mark Lareau saw how people blowing out candles could spread germs. They wondered, “Can we blow out candles without spreading germs?” With hygiene as a top priority, their idea for spit-free candles felt urgent and necessary.

Development and Prototyping

Creating the Blowzee took a lot of work and $10,000 from the two Marks. After 17 tries, they nailed it.

The Blowzee has a plastic tube and a fan at one end. When you blow into it, a sensor triggers the fan. This sends air away from the cake, keeping the experience fun and clean.

Product Features and Benefits

The Blowzee is a unique tool, available in blue for $11.99. It’s easy to use and effective at preventing spit on the cake, adding fun to celebrations. It brings parents and hosts comfort, knowing everyone can enjoy blowing out candles without spreading germs.

The Blowzee Shark Tank Episode: Did It Get a Deal?

Mark Apelt and Mark Lareau stepped onto the Shark Tank stage with big dreams. They were there to introduce Blowzee, a way to blow out candles without the spit. They wanted $100,000 for a 20% stake in their business.

blowzee shark tank episode

The Pitch Presentation

The Marks demonstrated how Blowzee works. They showed it could blow air without spreading germs on cakes. The demo was both fun and educational, highlighting Blowzee’s role in reducing bacteria.

Sharks’ Reactions and Feedback

The Sharks were fascinated but also unsure. They liked the idea of a spit-free candle blower. Yet, they wondered if there were enough customers for Blowzee. They debated its ability to grow large.

The Outcome: Investment or Rejection?

In the end, the Sharks passed on Blowzee. They were concerned about the numbers and whether Blowzee could attract a wide market. Even without their investment, Mark and Mark did not give up. They used their TV exposure to keep building Blowzee’s brand.

Aspect Sharks’ Feedback
Innovation Highly Positively Regarded
Market Potential Skeptical Due to Niche Market
Financials Concerns Over Scalability
Health Impact Significant, But Not Conclusive for Investment

Blowzee Post-Shark Tank Journey

After appearing on Shark Tank, Blowzee didn’t land a deal but still made waves. Its sales soared, and it got a lot of media attention. This helped it reach more people quickly.

Sales Surge and Media Exposure

Being on Shark Tank gave Blowzee a big boost. After the show, sales went through the roof, selling out inventory in 2.5 hours. It also caught the eye of top media outlets. It was featured in the New York Post and mentioned on Jimmy Fallon’s show. Co-founder Mark Lareau felt this was like getting a free ad campaign worth millions.

blowzee media exposure

Public Reception and Customer Reviews

People loved Blowzee. They left many positive reviews, praising its new way to solve a common issue. They especially liked its effectiveness and health benefits. But now, Blowzee’s future seems uncertain. As of April 2023, its website is down, and it’s not available on Amazon. This has sparked questions about how long it can keep going after its initial success.

What Makes the Blowzee Different?

Blowzee stands out in birthday party world by boosting health and safety. At a time when we’re all aware of airborne dangers, Blowzee offers a clever fix. It reduces germ spread, ensuring parties are carefree. This makes Blowzee a must-have for parents who prioritize health.

Blowzee benefits

Hygiene and Safety Considerations

Blowzee is all about cleanliness. It sends air away from the cake, stopping saliva from reaching it. In our world today, staying clean is more important than ever. Blowzee keeps the fun in parties safe, giving everyone peace of mind.

User Experience and Fun Factor

Using Blowzee is both useful and fun. It’s not just any tool; it’s a fun gadget that spices up birthday parties. Children love it because it makes blowing out candles exciting and safe. Blowzee perfectly combines entertainment with health, making both kids and parents happy.

Current Status of Blowzee: Success and Availability

After appearing on Shark Tank, the Blowzee company caught a lot of attention and saw a rise in sales. This increase at first seemed like a good sign for the product. But then, the Blowzee disappeared from Amazon and their site shut down, leading to questions about its current status.

The Blowzee first showed its promise by going from a small idea to a product known in the market. The investment from Shark Tank showed the company’s strength and product’s innovation, quickly raising customer interest. After getting national recognition, it looked like Blowzee had a bright future.

However, lately, people wanting to buy this innovative device are hitting roadblocks. With the website down and the product missing from major online stores, many wonder about its future. Despite its early wins, whether Blowzee can keep up its success is now uncertain.

blowzee current availability

Mark Lareau, a co-founder, said Blowzee’s growth from a hobby to a recognized invention was a big achievement. This change highlighted how much it achieved at first and how excited people were about it. Yet, with the recent issues, fans are unsure about its chance for long-time success.

The current situation may not mean the end for Blowzee, but it’s at a crucial point. To get back and keep its place in the market, it will need new ideas and smart planning. As we wait for news, what happens next with this unique product is key.

Blowzee’s Legacy: Impact on the Shark Tank and Consumer Product Landscape

Blowzee didn’t get an investment from the Shark Tank panel. Yet, its presentation made a big impact on both the Sharks and viewers. It showed how important cleanliness is in our daily items, especially now when we’re all more health-aware. This idea of a way to blow out candles without spitting opened up new paths for inventing useful products.

After appearing on Shark Tank, Blowzee saw a spike in sales and media attention. But then, it became harder to find, showing how unpredictable the market can be. The journey of Blowzee in the Shark Tank world shows how fast interest can grow and fade. Yet, Blowzee’s influence goes beyond just selling products. It sparked talks on changing daily habits for better health and safety.

Blowzee’s real success is in its neat solution to a common issue. It highlighted the importance of making products that help us stay clean. Even without a Shark Tank deal, Blowzee’s story is a motivation. It encourages future inventors to think differently about everyday items. This story inspires anyone who wants to stand out in the world of consumer products.